Tuesday 18 June 2013

Fathers deserve greater recognition for holding society together, says Archbishop of Westminster


Fathers should be given greater recognition for the part they play in holding society together, the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in England and Wales will say.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols will say tomorrow that it will soon be “too late” to save marriage as it has been understood for centuries.
The Archbishop of Westminster, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, will portray good fathers as the unsung heroes of modern Britain Photo: DAVID ROSE FOR THE TELEGRAPH
The Archbishop of Westminster, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, will portray good fathers as the unsung heroes of modern Britain – having a direct positive effect on crime rates, school results and even the nation’s mental health.
In a speech in London, he will urge politicians to take “every opportunity” to support fathers and call on families to “celebrate” fatherhood.
Crucially, he will also argue that employers have a moral responsibility to pay fathers who work them a proper wage to enable them to support their families with “pride and dignity”.
The call comes as he joins the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, Muslim and Jewish leaders as well as figures such as the TUC secretary general Frances O'Grady at a summit in London to discuss “family friendly” policies.
The leaders, brought together by the campaign group Citizens UK, are planning a joint manifesto for the next general election setting out family policies they would like to see.
David Cameron has been accused of failing to support families by some in his party by putting off an election promise to introduce tax incentives for married couples.
The deep divisions over gay marriage, which is being debated in the Lords today, have also served to underline the political potency of family issues.
In wide-ranging and very personal address, Archbishop Nichols will speak about the enduring influence on his own life of his father, a teacher.
And he will describe the family unit the basis of a strong society and the place where people should expect to be viewed as more than an “anonymous digit by an over bureaucratic state, a “unit of economic production”, or just another consumer or voter.
While paying tribute to the many mothers who bring up family without the support of their children’s father, he will say it is time for fathers to be celebrated as a “precious gift”.
"Committed, faithful fathers are good for their children - for their educational achievement, psychological well-being and their social behaviour,” he will say.
The Archbishop will argue that fathers can play a powerful role in shaping the adults that their children become, especially when they have families of their own.
Calm and caring fathers can have profound influence on how their own sons treat women when they grow up, he will argue, adding: “Girls with respectful fathers involved in their upbringing learn how they should expect men to treat them.
“They are less likely to become ensnared in violent or unhealthy relationships.”
Drawing on Catholic doctrine, he will make a theological case for employers to give workers a living wage, to support families.
“For over 100 years, Catholic Social Teaching has proposed that fair pay is one that enables the employees to meet the needs of their families,” he will say.
“This underpins the Living Wage now endorsed by politicians of all sides and accepted by hundreds of businesses.”

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